How to Make a Layered Latte

by Whole Latte Love Updated: December 3, 2020 1 min read
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A layered latte is a great way to enjoy a sweet, milk-based espresso drink. It is recognizable by three clearly defined layers within the drink, created by syrup, milk and espresso.


  • 4 oz of milk
  • 2 oz of espresso
  • 2 oz of Ghirardelli Chocolate Sauce


Extract 2 ounces of fresh espresso. Steam the milk, taking care to create a thick layer of foam. Pour the chocolate sauce into a tall glass. Spoon the foam portion of your milk into the cup. Carefully pour the rest milk into the cup, on top of the foamed milk. Try not to disturb the chocolate sauce as you pour your milk. Add the espresso. Your latte should now have three distinct layers.
