The Best Whole Bean Coffee

by Kate Blaine 3 min read Updated: October 19, 2021
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Updated for 2021. We all want the best of the best when it comes to our machines and our coffee. Many of us scour the internet in search of coffee with amazing aromas and delicious flavor notes. Some of us rely on coffee experts like Marc Buckman for all things coffee and espresso.

If you're looking for new flavors to try out, why not take a look at what Whole Latte Love’s coffee expert himself had to say about his top 5 favorite coffees.

Best Coffee Beans for Super Automatic Espresso Machines

Best Coffee Beans for Super Automatic Espresso Machines

Say "no" to oily coffee beans. Discover the best coffee beans for superautomatic espresso machines, which roasts are safe to use, and great non-oily coffee beans to try.
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Maromas Orphea

Are you an espresso lover that loves a good dose of sugar? Maromas Orphea might convince you otherwise. With low acidity and bitterness, you’ll be surprised that your cup of espresso will be bursting with a balanced flavor and a full blend of flavors including chocolate, toffee, and nutty flavor notes topped with a rich and lasting crema. The medium roast beans are of Central American and Indian origins, roasted in Italy and are perfect for anyone who likes a strong kick of coffee to jumpstart their day.

Fun Fact: Marc loves using Orphea for his morning espresso or espresso lungo with the Gaggia Babila.

The Best Whole Bean Coffee

Maromas Orphea Whole Bean Espresso

It is usually ORPHEA that seduces people to start drinking their espresso without sugar. The only thing you will really miss is the long lasting phase that the sugar normally takes to sink into the...

Lavazza Qualita Oro

Lavazza Qualita Oro is filled with sweet bliss—honey, dried fruit, and floral flavor notes. The medium roasted beans are described by satisfied customers as “gold,” “smooth and nutty,” “balanced,” and most of all “the go-to espresso beans.” A taste of Italy could be sitting in your kitchen—or for Marc, at his desk—because this pack is perfect for Drip Coffee, French Press or espresso and milk-based beverage lovers.

The Best Whole Bean Coffee

Fuego Coffee Roasters Ethiopia Single-Origin Espresso

Who doesn’t love a good single-origin bean? The coffee is unique, traceable, and has the distinct qualities of the environment and culture where it was originally sourced. Fuego Coffee Roasters Ethiopia Single Origin Espresso can be traced to farming cooperatives in Ethiopia and is roasted locally in our hometown of Rochester, NY.

Harvested at elevations between 1,800 - 2,200 meters, this single-origin coffee balances notes of blueberry, chocolate, vanilla, and tropical fruit. Dry (natural) processed, and lightly roasted, this coffee retains much of its natural sweetness for a juicy, fruity cup.

The Best Whole Bean Coffee

Caffe Carraro Crema Espresso

A classic 80/20 arabica/robusta espresso blend, Carraro's Crema Espresso is a balanced coffee, producing rich shots of full bodied espresso with just the right amount of sweetness and boldness. Offering up pleasant notes of chocolate, nuts, and dried fruit, Crema Espresso emerged as Marc's favorite of the Carraro lineup after a taste test..

Whether you prefer milk drinks or straight espresso, Carraro Crema Espresso is a great choice and equally tasty either way.

The Best Whole Bean Coffee

Carraro Crema Espresso

Carraro Crema Espresso, offered in a 2.2 lb bag of whole beans, consists of an 80/20 Arabica and Robusta blend originating from Brazil, Central America and India that’s perfect for espresso. This I...

Joe Bean Coffee Roasters Espresso Blend

Juicy and complex, Joe Bean's Espresso Blend was developed for Whole Latte Love in collaboration with the roasters and green buyers at Joe Bean Coffee Roasters. Bright and fruity, this coffee is the perfect punchy espresso, and opens up to notes of cherry, peach, caramel, and chocolate when blended in milk.

If you find yourself having a hard time choosing one single-origin coffee, Marc suggests trying Espresso Blend because you get an entire pound of micro roasted coffee and it does wonders when blended in milk drinks like lattes.

The Best Whole Bean Coffee

Best Dark Roast Coffee

If you love dark roasted coffee with smoky, intense and bold flavors, then we’re excited to share our best selling coffee with you. The coffees below are equally loved by our staff and customers, so we’re sure you’ll love them too, check it out.

The Best Whole Bean Coffee

The Best Whole Bean Coffee

The Best Whole Bean Coffee

The Best Whole Bean Coffee

We hope you’ve enjoyed Marc’s top recommendations as much as we have. Which coffee are you excited to try out?