Breville Oracle Review

by Whole Latte Love Updated: December 3, 2020 2 min read
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The recently released Breville Oracle is truly one of the nicest machines that has come through the doors here at Whole Latte Love. Breville has combined an enormous amount of features with effortless simplicity. The result is a machine that finally boasts the ease of use of a super-automatic machine and prosumer shot quality that even the most discerning coffee aficionado will appreciate.

Features: Grinders, Americanos, and Froth, oh my!

I honestly don't know where to start, this machine is absolutely packed with features, most of which I won't even be able to cover during this blog.

The Oracle houses a powerful built in grinder with 30 espresso specific grind settings, giving you a range that will be able to handle any coffee bean you can throw at it. The Oracle's grinder also has a locking mechanism that not only holds the portafilter in place during the grinding process, but also automatically tamps at the perfect tamp pressure once the grind is complete. All that's left after that is to lock the portafilter into the group head and watch the magic happen.

You will soon notice when looking at the Oracle that you have a separate spout situated behind the portafilter and this is one of my favorite things about this machine. The Oracle, in addition to having single and double programmable shot buttons on the front of the machine, has a 3rd button....for an Americano! This button allows you to make a drip coffee style cup with much more flavor. The machine begins by pulling a double shot of espresso like it normally would and when finished, switches over and dispenses hot water down the spout behind the portafilter directly into the cup, making a one-touch Cafe Americano, something no semi-automatic on the market can replicate.

And for all the cappuccino and latte lovers out there, the newly designed auto frothing system on the Breville Oracle takes milk based drink to a different level. The machine can be adjusted for steamed or frothed milk and has a temperature probe that stops the frothing cycle when the milk temperature reaches the desired point, as set by the user. For those a more hands on experience, the machine also allows for manual frothing

Breville has taken things up a notch with the Oracle. This machine is packed with features and its incredibly user friendly. With the Oracle, Breville has created an espresso machine that is truly one of a kind.