Expobar Brewtus IV Review

by Whole Latte Love 4 min read Updated: December 3, 2020
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In the world of shiny stainless steel prosumer espresso machines, the Expobar Brewtus is nothing short of a rock star. Like any proper celebrity, it has a large, devoted following. Countless forums are scattered throughout the Internet populated with die-hard Brewtus fanatics ready to debate, defend and expound upon the virtues of this semi-automatic line. Just as one eagerly awaits an album or movie debut, Brewtus devotees have been on the edge of their seats anticipating the next generation of the iconic line.
One of the Brewtus's most ardent advocates happens to our own Todd, the Tech Guy. He initiated the Whole Latte Love-Expobar collaboration and took part in the creation of the Brewtus line. Three generations and multiple upgrades later, watching him unwrap the newest iteration of these machines is still like witnessing a proud parent bring the baby home from the hospital. There's much to take pride in with the newest members of the family, the Brewtus IV, IV-P and IV-R.


Switch it Up
You'll notice an extra switch on all fourth-generation Expobar Brewtus espresso machines. It is a control switch that will let you turn the steam boiler off and run only the brew boiler. Why would you ever want to do such a thing? Well, for starters, if you're only going to be pulling a shot and don't need to use the steam wand or hot water dispenser, deactivating the steam boiler will let the Brewtus warm up from a cold start much quicker than running both boilers. Exercising this option will allow the fourth-generation Brewtus machines to get up to brewing temperature in less than 20 minutes. If you decide you want to froth some milk after all, flip the switch and the steam boiler will be ready to go in under 10 minutes. As an added bonus, running only one boiler could translate into reduced operating costs in the long run.

Want to go against the grain and run the steam boiler without the brew boiler? You can do so with the brew boiler shut-off option. This is a great alternative if you just need hot water for tea or want to steam some milk without extracting espresso. To turn off the brew boiler, hold the "UP" button of the PID display for two seconds. Once the boiler has been deactivated, the display will read "OFF."

Enhanced E-61 Brew Group
Another upgrade that is universal to all fourth-generation Brewtus machines is the enhanced E-61 brew group. Improving the E-61 brew group, which is already very highly regarded among espresso enthusiasts, is no small task. While the group head has always provided for superior temperature stability, Expobar has altered the design of Brewtus IV, IV-R and IV-P brew groups to include a pre-infusion chamber to allow for maximum flavor and aroma extraction.

The chrome-plated brass brew group is still supported by an advanced thermo siphon system, which circulates water from the boiler to the group head to ensure proper brewing conditions. However, the brew group has been redesigned to feature a concave pre-infusion chamber. During the pre-infusion process, the brew group dispenses hot water and once that water comes into contact with the shower screen, it floods back up and fills the pre-infusion chamber. The water is then evenly distributed through the coffee grounds for extraction.

Expobar Brewtus IV
The most affordable of the fourth generation Expobar machines, the Brewtus IV with Vibration Pump steams and brews using dual copper boilers. Unlike its siblings, this model is not plumbable. Water for brewing and steaming operations is drawn from the large, 90-ounce reservoir. If you don't steam, froth or brew in large quantities and therefore don't need a plumbable machine, the Brewtus IV is a solid choice. This model has shorter legs than the other fourth-generation Brewtus machines, which are about 1.5 inches taller. As a true Expobar, the Brewtus IV is considered a high-end prosumer machine and has commercial components that allows for robust performance.

Expobar Brewtus IV-P
The mid-grade machine of the range, the Expobar Brewtus IV-P is equipped with a vibration pump and full plumbing capabilities. This model will allow you to connect a water line to the machine, ensuring that you never run out of water for brewing and frothing. You can also supply the Brewtus IV-P using the integrated water reservoir, if you prefer. Switching between using a plumbed line or water reservoir is quick and easy. You can also run a drain line from the drip tray to eliminate the need to manually empty it. If you're looking for a plumbable espresso machine, the Expobar Brewtus IV-P should be at or near the top of your list.

Expobar Brewtus IV-R
The Brewtus IV-R is the top-of-the-line Expobar model. It is equipped with a commercial rotary pump designed to work with a plumbed water line. The rotary pump allows for quiet operation. You can drop the stainless-steel intake line into a large water tank or plumb the machine. Like the IV-P, a drain line can be connected to the drip tray of this machine. The Expobar Brewtus IV-R is ideal for espresso connoisseurs who wish to introduce a commercial brewing experience into the home.